Monday, August 15, 2011


There's not exactly an academic reasoning for this posting, but I just came back to class after about a four week sabbatical due to several mitigating reasons. I'm just going to talk about it here because:-
A) My counsellor told me to write about it;
2) Sharing is caring;
& Cat) I'm trying to get back into the swing of blogging.

That is important, I think.

So... my family has been ignoring me, screening their calls to avoid me and not answering texts. Yay. I hate being the black sheep some days. Sure I get more freedom but the whole "can't rely on flesh+blood relations" does put a whole crimp on liiife. They've only just got back to me because I may have spurned a very public outcry on Facebook. RISE MY SOLDIERS! RISE! -evil face-
In any case, they're trying to build a bridge over the rift they caused. Which is always a plus, I guess. Too little too late, though, in some regards. I suffer from anxiety and depression which makes it difficult to get out of bed or even leave my room at times (I live on campus). Deep down, I'm a perfectionist but due to always failing to achieve that goal, I've drifted further and further away from actually DOING work... resulting in quite a depressing and procrastinating spiral. Yay -.-'

Actually, one of the few things I did in the last week was post a guest blog about procrastinating on a professional blogger's account (apparently they get paid for it...?) so I'll just shamelessly plug the link here:
Moving right along, the teacher is milling about behind me on her rolling chair which, to be honest, slightly creeps me out. I work well under pressure and all, but seriously? Could you, like, leave me alone whilst I'm blogging...? (O_o) Not that she's ever read this. Nobody has, to the best of my knowledge. Right? Hellooooo? *waves* Nope. Nothin'. (Edit: I take that back, she was very helpful, but still being told "You're next!" is very ominous... unless you're handing out candy. *hopeful puppy dog eyes* =P)

Back to the explanation then, empty audience, I suppose. In a twist of fate, I got involved in the recent CQUni musical Sweet Charity, as a dome operator and learnt about the ITC usage in the top box. That was really interesting. I was with them for almost two weeks, which is apparently half the time of the production. Now I know what I'm using for my electives in this course. Also it's spurned me to get my Trinity College Drama and Speech ATCL diploma, which would enable me to teach Drama outside of schools (I have a blue card). Which, another shameless plug here, would allow me to join the ranks of Drama Teachers in my family's studio: (website added later... possibly after it's made by me)

So. Back to the task at hand. I feel I've slipped back into the rough and tumble course of my blogging, and I'll get right onto doing my assessments in this regard. Woohoo! :D

Obligatory sign-off,
K.J. Evans

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