Monday, July 11, 2011

Blog Jeden... (One)

TPACK Round Table

Content: Creative Writing

Available Technology:
- Microsoft Office
- Portable voice recorders
- Internet - includes wikis, blogs, online tools.

Pedagogy (ped·a·go·gy):
- Independent, interdependent, and self-motivated learning.
- Learners are challenged and supported to develop deep-level application.
- Responds to needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests of students.

To teach Creative Writing to students, first we (teachers) would explain that writing creatively come from how you (in this case, the students) think, feel and recall memories, it is about your interests as a person. Continuing on from there, we enable the students to make a brainstorm ideas for their writing, perhaps all together or in pairs, or just alone. Then we require them to make a plan and first draft. Rather, as a challenge, we may give them a topic to talk on, to write a story about or to generally make up as they go as believably or unbelievably as they like.

For instance: Turtles Shouldn't Rollerblade - based on a true story.

Monday, July 4, 2011

"Buying books"

I'm not... but I will, however, shamelessly plug my own:

eBook for $2. Everyone loves poetry. :D

Soon to be up on iBooks, Kobo, Kindle and any other eBook store that it can be converted to. :D

Mangaing E-Learning

Hi guys. CQU requires me to make a blog about managing E-learning.

Three! THREE BLOGS! AH HA HA HA. Cookies and hugs for the first person to get the reference :P

So I'm sitting in class and not a lot has happened, this entire course is designed to teach us how to use the internet and technology in general as a research tool. Kind of pointless, in my opinion. Well, maybe just for me.


As a side note, does anyone ever find themselves air-drumming though never actually learning how to drum? Or air guitar?

I think I'm supposed to actually use this as a blog. Weird. I've not actually got one of those yet. This could be interesting. I'll definitely keep this one.

My guess is this will become both more random than my Facebook spam page LINK! ... and more professional than my old JCU blog page for Uni work. Which I can't link to you because I recently deleted it. *checks watch* Ten minutes... no, eleven, haha.

In any case, I hope you little ragamuffins enjoy my rambling and possibly borderline educational blogs.

Obligatory sign-off,
Kieran - Because I'm amazing. ^_^