Thursday, August 18, 2011

Blog Three

Affectionately titled, is it not?

So I found myself the other day in need of four new blogs, and a sixteen hundred word reflective synopsis of the aforementioned blogs. Nifty, huh? Oh, and it needs to be done, for me, in about... three hours.

That's actually surprisingly easy. But I'll let my fingers do the talking and let the evidence speak for itself. Now, why, you may ask, do I start with Blog Three instead of say... One?

On this blog, I will be talking about multimedia tools (images, video, audio).
And here come the bullet points.

- Ease of use; Youtube is a user friendly website, easy to follow with it's directions, and has recently included animations that can be created by a member. One must be a member to do anything of substance within the community of Youtube. Though that is fairly simple to adhere to and it doesn't cost you anything.
- Limitations; You have two choices - Upload from Computer or Record from Webcam. It is reliant solely on what the user has created or wishes to create on the spot and there is no editing capabilities after the fact, barring sticking floating boxes and text on the video which is, regrettably, pointless and highly annoying.
- What it can do; Upload. Record. Create Animation. Review. Subscribe.
- Example;
- Usefulness; In the classroom, having a youtube video or some sort of other multimedia tool in this regard from any other website capable of constructing or harbouring such an item of educational or entertainment value would benefit the class in the sense that they would be able to either construct, perhaps, a video of their own (limited for viewing, naturally, to protect the students) or integrate technology they are most likely familiar with into their education and hopefully providing some sort of safety net to protect them from the fickle malicious nature of would-be (re)viewers. In any case, the video itself would enable the students to see the all the "pieces of the puzzle" better in a larger mode of visibility, not relying solely on the teacher to provide the students with both education and entertainment as a bored child is not a learning child.

Hm. Rambling aside. A video does not go off on wild tangents like myself, and can not be distracted from the task at hand like I used to do to teachers when I was younger. So much fun. ANYWAY: Youtube, I use this because I'm familiar with it as a multimedia vehicle, but most websites are easy to use if you follow two main points: A) Your own language. 2) FAQ.

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